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Ultimately, whatever challenges that may have come her way - she has met with grace and aplomb, both of which most of us would be hard-pressed to match. Grace - a virtue coming from God. Aplomb - complete and confident composure.I asked Patricia what advice she would give to anyone - especially women as they encounter life's challenges. "It's OK to make mistakes - do what you can to make it right - don't dwell on the mistakes - put them away and then - go on."How does one sum up - or, should one - A Woman of Substance - those women who by virtue of substantial or solid character or quality have made an impact on all of whom they encounter - who have held things together despite any and all obstacles - risen above the fray and have charged ahead full bore - ever confident - ever creating anew - ever seeking a further truth or understanding of this business called living.Bravo Patricia!!Please enjoy a short article written by Patricia on her favorite Bible character - Job.The Story of Job - Patricia TalisThe story of Job is a fascinating one. Job had everything - wealth untold with flocks of sheep and cattle. He had many children and was a happy man. He loved God and helped all who came to him in trouble. Satan told God, "Yes you have given Job everything, but take it away and he will curse you. God gave Satan permission to take everything away, one thing at a time - his wealth, his children and his health. Job had three friends representing the physical body, the desire body and the mind. They insisted he must have done many things to have brought this upon himself. Job was subjected to the four great testings. These are common to all humanity - the rupture of the family circle by death, the loss of worldly possessions, the breakdown of physical health and the misunderstandings, persecutions and desertion of trusted friends. God restored all that Job had lost and added much more. His freedom consisted of liberation from the threefold illusions of the material world - illusion of mind, desire, and the physical body. Corinne Heline's version of the story is in Volume II of the New Age Bible interpretation series. There are 7 volumes, three based on the Old Testament, three on the New Testament, and the seventh "The Mystery of The Christos." Becoming a mother is a very traumatic and overwhelming time. There are many new things to learn, and of course you should make the best choices for your new child. One thing you can be sure of, even though, is that choosing to breastfeed is the best selection you could make for you, baby, and your entire family. On the other hand, a nursing mother needs to take some precautions. Keeping your child healthy and safe doesn't just come from the food you eat which passes for your baby's milk. Some of the solutions we you use on your human body, like perfume, can also affect your nursing baby. Read on for many ways to reduce harming your child with perfume, while still being able to wear your favorite fragrances.For starters, never ever spray perfume or maybe put lotion on your hard nipples. You should probably avoid the whole chest area area completely. Not only will it take the time baby, but it may cause dryness and cracking of the hard nips. Also, you want to keep your torso area completely smelling healthy so that your baby doesn't mix them up with your scent. This is especially crucial in the early months until breastfeeding your baby is well established.Once you do decide to spray perfume, do it modestly. Use logic. Never spray perfume right before you'll nurse your baby. It will be very strong for the baby, and that he most likely will not want to health care worker. Don't spray the aroma directly on yourself. Lay each of our your clothes and frivolously spray them instead. Or lightly spray yourself in places away from the breast, like your wrists, or even the back of the legs. The effect will still be identical. You want to be careful and try not to ever let your baby associate annoying scents with nursing, and also he may go on a "nursing affect."Use light fragrances. Don't use powerful sensual scents that may be also harsh for baby. Believe light, clean and crisp.
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